Botox clinics in sydney

What Can Botox Help to Treat?

Although considered one of the most dangerous toxins known to man, not to mention it being responsible for hundreds of fatalities over the past few decades (less so recently), Botox actually offers an incredible potential to treat signs of aging and age-related symptoms alike. Here are a look at the most common ailments that botulinum toxin (BTX) can help with.


Over the past few years, BTX has become one of the most sought after treatments for those hoping to defy the signs and symptoms of ageing. The toxin works by loosening muscle tissue and when this happens, the structure of the cells present is forced to change. This change results in a softening of the muscle, so that any wrinkles and age lines will visibly reduce. This paralysing potential can last for up to 16 weeks, with the results being noticeable within as little as three to five days.

Treating cervical dystonia

The condition known as cervical dystonia can be detrimental to those suffering as it can force the head and neck area to suddenly jolt painfully to one side. By injecting BTX into the afflicted region, it can loosen muscle and nullify the risk of spasm for up to 4 months. The treatment can be maintained depending on the patient’s initial reaction to the introduction of the chemical, making it a viable long-term solution.

Treating blepharospasm

This condition relates to a twitching of the eyelid area and it can occur as a result of a neurological disorder, genetic tendency, or nerve damage. In any of these events, botulinum is ideal as it can help to weaken the muscles around the eyelid in a way that still makes them usable, without the risk of twitching making itself known. It will need to be injected straight into the eyelid and this can cause slight swelling, but this symptom should subside after a few days – with the benefits then being able to last for several months.

Assisting with hyperhidrosis

When a person sweats excessively, it is typically due to an over active sweat gland. As BTX can act to paralyse cells, it is ideal for aiding in treatment as it can put the gland into a state of paralysis, without affecting the way in which it corresponds with other lymph nodes within the body. Once the gland is able to function at a slower pace, it will be able to moderate the output of hydration, resulting in far less sweat being present.


Up until recently, crossed-eyes were considered to be a difficult event to treat. That was until the introduction of botulinum. Permanently crossed eyes occur when a person’s optic muscles are in a state of tension, and so loosening them will help to reset their positioning. After time, these muscles may begin to return to their previous state, but that’s where consistent treatment helps.

More at Elase medical spa for botox treatments.